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Are you ready to find your place among a community of driven, compassionate leaders? Start your success story today.

Our professional landscape is rapidly evolving. Now, more than ever, droves of employees are in pursuit of careers that prove to be more professionally satisfying, offer healthier work/life balance and, overall, are better aligned with their long-term goals.

The job market is also competitive. Professionals looking to advance or change careers must set themselves apart. What is one tried-and-true way to develop a toolkit – and the invaluable, relevant skills – that employers across industries will notice?

Get a graduate degree!

Graduate school is an investment of your time, energy and money — so, it is important to understand the benefits of getting a graduate degree, what you can expect regarding ROI and how to choose the perfect university for you.


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You are busy, and your time is precious, so we invite you to explore this resource in whatever way makes the most sense to you.

Review this resource from top to bottom, or drop down to the section that appeals to you most:


No matter your career field of interest, earning a graduate degree signals that you are both an expert in your field and that you have the knowledge and skills needed to make a positive impact. But, we understand that it is also an investment of time and money, so it's important to be sure that graduate school is the right path for you. 

We have outlined a few telling signs that you might be ready for graduate school.

You want to kickstart or boost your career.

Whether you are an emerging or a mid-career professional, obtaining a graduate degree will sharpen your skills and prepare you for more advanced career opportunities. By establishing yourself as a leader in your field, you will be well equipped to compete against the pack of job seekers who are all vying for similar positions.

You have decided to change careers or industries.

People change careers for a variety of reasons. And, it does not matter whether you are switching careers after being in your current industry for years or whether you are fresh out of undergrad looking to change your field of study: going to graduate school will significantly enhance your chances of being able to break into the field you are most passionate about.

You are interested in making a financial investment in your future.

There is no getting around it: graduate school can be costly. But, graduate school is not just an expense — it is a significant financial investment in your future. By investing in a degree program that is going to increase your skill level and make you invaluable to employers, you are increasing your return on investment in a practical, tangible way. 

Tip: Do not forget that most universities offer a variety of helpful financial aid resources for qualified students!

You recognize the strategic approach to upskilling and staying relevant in your industry.

The job market becomes more and more competitive every single day, and figuring out how to stay relevant can be overwhelming. Even if you aren’t actively looking for a new career, making the effort to upskill and remain marketable and relevant in your field is incredibly important given today’s ever-evolving professional landscape. 

You are passionate about lifelong learning.

Obtaining a graduate degree is a practical and strategic move, but graduate school is also an opportunity to nurture your love of learning. In a graduate degree program, you will be challenged to reach your full potential through experiential learning opportunities and relevant, groundbreaking coursework. Plus, it’s a great way to surround yourself with colleagues and peers who are equally passionate about their educational and career trajectory.


The state of California is a hub of breathtaking views, endless coastlines, diverse cultures and tantalizing cities — including Los Angeles, home to myriad technology, entertainment and finance industries.

But, why would one specifically choose to go to grad school in California? Here are just a few of the advantages to choosing graduate school in CA.

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Climate & Scenery

California is known for its beautiful geography and enjoyable climate. While California does have ripping hot deserts and snow-capped mountains, many cities in the state (such as San Diego, San Francisco and Los Angeles) boast a warm, mild climate that is desirable to many college students and graduate-level professionals alike.

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Cultural Diversity

California has a reputation for being wildly culturally diverse — it is also known for being progressive and boasting cultural liberalism. Professionals choosing graduate school in CA can expect to interact with others who are largely accepting of people with diverse backgrounds, including LGBTQ+ and other social justice-focused populations.

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STEM Opportunities

Known as a tech hub, California is recognized for its many cities that promote dedication to cutting-edge STEM advancement. Professionals who choose graduate school in CA will have ample opportunities to intern or gain real-world experience at some of the top technology companies in the world, such as Google or Apple.

Are you specifically interested in choosing Los Angeles as your home base for graduate school? Whether you want to create amongst some of the nation’s most creative minds or want to analyze data at a corporate level, LA has a job for you.


10 Booming Industries in Los Angeles

As one of the largest cities in the nation, Los Angeles is home to a wide variety of job opportunities within growing industries. Check out some of the biggest job industries below.


An Unstoppable mission

NoPath@2xMount Saint Mary’s University offers a dynamic learning experience in the liberal arts and sciences to a dynamic and diverse student body.

The Mount is a university rooted in the Catholic tradition that offers undergraduate programs primarily for women, but our graduate programs are open to people of all genders. We are dedicated to providing a superior education enhanced by an emphasis on building leadership skills and fostering a spirit to serve others.

Our measure of success is graduates who are committed to using their knowledge and skills to better themselves, their environments and the world. Everything we do is influenced by social justice and inclusivity and this dedication to accepting and honoring one another without distinction is what sets us apart. 

Intimate class sizes

In graduate school, it is imperative that you get the one-on-one academic support and professional mentorship that you deserve. At the Mount, we ensure that our graduate program cohort and class sizes are small, allowing you to connect with professors and industry professionals and receive individual attention and mentorship that will help you get the most out of your graduate education. 

You will leave the Mount with professional connections that will guide and support you as you navigate the workforce for years to come.

Competitive sticker price and commitment to affordability

As discussed, graduate school is an investment of time, energy and money, but we are proud to offer affordable tuition for our graduate students. We also offer opportunities for financial assistance including scholarships, loans and tuition reduction programs. 

You can explore our financial aid and our tuition and aid options to learn more.

Flexible, accessible program options

At the Mount, the vast majority of our programs are dedicated to making education accessible to the busy, driven professionals who choose MSMU for graduate school. We offer both in-person and online graduate-level courses with options designed to fit the schedules of working professionals. 

Not ready to commit to a full degree program? Many of our graduate programs offer certificates — fewer courses in less time while still pursuing graduate studies.

Expert faculty with on-the-ground experience

Our graduate-level coursework is taught by industry experts in their respective focus areas. Passionate about student success, the Mount’s diverse faculty and student body round out the learning experience by providing a variety of worldviews and cultural perspectives.

At the Mount, you can expect to learn with and from driven, passionate and expert industry leaders who will serve as an invaluable resource throughout your academic journey and professional career.

Opportunities for experiential learning

At the Mount, we believe in the power of learning-by-doing. We offer multiple options for real-world professional experiences including internships, fieldwork and practicum opportunities. 

From our very own Hollywood Studio for developing artists to clinical immersion programs for future mental health practitioners (and every discipline in between), the Mount will serve as a launching pad for your dream career by giving you practical experience that you can immediately apply to your coursework and beyond.

Downtown Los Angeles location

The Mount’s Doheny Campus, where our graduate degree programs are offered, is centrally located to all that downtown Los Angeles has to offer, including LA Live, the Historic Core, Disney Music Hall, Olvera Street, Union Station (connected by the Expo Line, only a few blocks away), Little Tokyo, Koreatown and the Theater, Jewelry, Fashion, Flower and Financial Districts.

Read more about our Doheny Campus here.


As a busy professional, you have so many options to choose from when it comes to graduate school. And, if you want to attend Mount Saint Mary’s without moving to California, you can absolutely do so! At the Mount, we offer a variety of online graduate degree programs, so you can complete your degree from wherever you want — and take a trip to the Golden State to celebrate your graduation.


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Graduate Programs in the Arts


Are you ready to tell your story? We offer two main Master of Fine Arts degrees — and many certificates — to prepare you for a career in the creative arts.

Graduate Programs in the Arts

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing

The two year, 36-unit MFA in Creative Writing program at Mount Saint Mary's University is a comprehensive artist-training program for students who want to write professionally in the genres of novel, short story, playwriting, poetry, screenplay and non-fiction. 

The Creative Writing program offers three certificate programs designed for students seeking to broaden their knowledge in the following areas: Editing & Publishing, Latin American and Latinx Creative Studies and Writing for Media. These certificate programs require 15-units of coursework for completion and can be pursued in-person or online.

At the Mount, we develop writers in multiple genres, and we believe that you can excel in more than one. We are interested in developing you as a whole writer — an expert who isn't narrow. Whatever your career path, our job is to help you write at the highest level before an appreciative public.

The Creative Writing program’s weekend format has allowed me to balance family, school and my current literary endeavors. The program and its dynamic curriculum is also preparing me to enter a doctoral program and accomplishing my goal of teaching at the university level.

Rodrigo Ribera d'Ebre, MFA in Creative Writing, 2017

Discover everything you need to know about the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program at MSMU.


Gain access to our resource — The Art of Storytelling: A Guide to Creative Writing Careers with an MFA Degree.


Take the next step in your professional writing career at the Mount; start your online application today.


Master of Fine Arts in Film, TV and Photography

Located at Mount Saint Mary’s University’s Hollywood Studio, the MFA in Film, Television and Photography and certificate programs in film provide students with all of the essential skills to create and produce professional films and build a body of work that demonstrates their abilities in each aspect of the creative and technical process in a professional studio setting.

Our diverse body of students work on real projects supported by professors with on-the-ground industry expertise. Students in our program use the same types of equipment and gear you'd see on any Hollywood set: camera systems, rigs and stabilizers, extensive lighting kits, top-of-the-line audio equipment, pre- and post-production tools and more.

The Film, Television and Photography program offers six certificate programs for students who are seeking in-depth analysis and critical-skill development in a specialized area. All certificate programs require 12 units for completion and can be pursued in person or online. Students have a maximum of three years to complete the certificate. 

Our certificates in film:

-Documentary Storytelling
-Music Production and Sound Design

We also offer additional MFA programs, including Dual MFA MBA degrees and an MFA in Producing for Film Television.

I looked at several universities that offer film studies, but Mount Saint Mary’s University just felt right. MSMU presented itself as a space where I would be heard and encouraged to take my place in the industry. It seemed that I would be inspired by seeing gender diversity in the studio and classrooms. And that turned out to be true.


HeavenNezCree, MFA 

Discover everything you need to know about the Master of Fine Arts in Film, Television and Photography at MSMU.


Gain access to our resource — Set the Scene: A Guide to MFA Programs in Film, Television and Photography.


Start writing, producing or directing your success story; start your online application today.




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Graduate Programs in Education and the Liberal Arts

Liberal Arts & Edu

Are you ready to earn a graduate degree that will take your career to the next level? We offer a variety of liberal arts and education programs that are designed with your success in mind.

Graduate Programs in Education and the Liberal Arts

Master of Arts in Humanities

The Master of Arts in Humanities at Mount Saint Mary’s University is a dynamic and flexible interdisciplinary program designed for lifelong learners interested in cultivating a deeper understanding of the connections between the individual, the community and the world.

The MA in Humanities is a two-year, 30-unit program supported by several Mount Saint Mary’s University humanities-related departments. The departments involved include English, History and Cultural Studies. Students in the program may elect to have a primary concentration in one of these areas by completing a total of four courses (12 units) in their area of choice. These units are part of the 30-unit total.

The Humanities graduate program also offers four online certificate programs founded upon the four concentrations offered as part of the master’s in humanities — Cultural Studies, English, History and Creative Writing.

The classroom experience combines the knowledge of professors with the diverse commentary of my peers, which makes for  fascinating discussions. The classes are small, interactive and allow time to present and build ideas.

Olga Bergstrom, MA in Humanities, 2017

Discover everything you need to know about the Master of Arts in Humanities at the Mount.


Nurture your passion for the human condition; start your online application today.


Master of Arts in Religious Studies

Have you always wanted to enhance your career with a graduate degree in religious studies or further your understanding of the impact that religion has in the world? It is with your future in mind that we recently crafted a new curriculum and program structure for the Master of Arts in Religious Studies at Mount Saint Mary’s University. 

The Master of Arts in Religious Studies is composed of two distinct, though mutually informative, concentrations. The first concentration is in Theology, and the second is in The Study of Religions Each concentration has a 36-unit requirement to degree, which can be completed in 2-3 years.

The MA in Religious Studies also offers a three-year, non-residential Spiritual Direction certificate program. This holistic program was created in collaboration with the CSJ Institute and the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet in Los Angeles. And it aligns with both the mission of Mount Saint Mary’s and the foundational principles of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. The program is based upon an Ignatian-Salesian spirituality. 

Discover everything you need to know about the Master of Arts in Religious Studies at MSMU.


Choose a truly interdisciplinary grad degree; start your online application today.


Master of Science in Education

Our Master of Science in Education and Teacher Credentialing programs at Mount Saint Mary’s University Los Angeles are founded on a commitment to social justice, inclusiveness and leadership.

We develop and empower teachers at every stage of their careers by providing them with academic and professional guidance throughout the credentialing process. Our programs also help prepare students to be competent, confident and successful teachers from the very first moment they step into their classroom.

Our students also benefit from small, intimate classes, dynamic classroom conversations and readily-accessible faculty. Our diverse faculty members challenge our students to grow as future leaders and educators. Assignments are timely, relevant and geared towards the professional development of our students.

At MSMU, I immediately felt comfortable on campus and in the classroom. The Mount helped prepare me for my own classroom by providing excellent examples of what an inclusive learning environment should look like. I am so thankful for all the experience and support I received during my program.

Jolea Helm, MS in Education

Discover everything you need to know about Teacher Education programs at the Mount.


Gain access to our resource — The Value of Graduate Education Programs and Teaching Credentials.


Accelerate your teaching career with a degree from the Mount; start your online application today.



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Graduate Programs in Business and Administration

Admin & Business

Are you ready to make yourself indispensable in the field of business? We offer two graduate business degrees that are designed to accelerate your business career.

Graduate Programs in Business and Administration

Master of Science in Healthcare Administration

Through our respected Master of Science in Healthcare Administration, we educate influential leaders, managers and policymakers who are passionate about improving the healthcare field. We pride our graduates on developing the skills to make careful and informed decisions about health services' structure, processes and outcomes. Our students prepare to grapple with the crucial issues of costs, financing, delivery and accessibility of care. 
In concert with the Mount’s commitment to building leadership skills and fostering a spirit to serve others, this graduate program develops leaders who understand today’s healthcare complexities, promote effective care systems, champion effective health policies and apply evidence-based knowledge to improve the health of people in their communities and beyond. 

The Healthcare Administration Program at Mount Saint Mary’s University has some of the most dynamic and knowledgeable professors in healthcare education. The program’s focus on policy and management is preparing me to work in hospital administration, specifically by expanding my knowledge of finance and healthcare policy.

Ani Voskanian, MS in Healthcare Administration, 2017

Discover everything you need to know about the Master of Science in Healthcare Administration.


Gain access to our resource — Making an Impact in Healthcare: How to Become a Healthcare Administrator.


Take the next step to become a healthcare administrator; start your online application today.


Master of Business Administration

If you’re looking for a transformative, private school education that is global in scope, collaborative by design and accelerated by nature then you’ve come to the right place. Discover the essence of the respected Master of Business Administration at Mount Saint Mary’s University — the driving force that makes us one of the best weekend MBA programs in California. 

Within our MBA program, you can choose one of three concentration options:

-Organizational Leadership
-Project Management

Highly efficient and flexible, our MBA program is perfect for busy people like you. To earn your degree, you’ll attend weekend-only classes — roughly two weekends a month — over the course of four semesters. Along the way, you'll participate in many special events where our network of alumni and corporate partners come to campus to engage and inspire you.

The MBA program at Mount Saint Mary’s University has allowed me to connect with a diverse network of friends and future business partners, and the weekend format made it possible to balance school, work and family life.

Barinya Morales, MBA

Discover everything you need to know about the Mount's MBA.


Gain access to our resource — What to Look for in an MBA Program.


Become an Unstoppable business leader; start your online application.



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Graduate Programs in Healthcare

Healthcare Programs

Are you ready to positively impact people’s lives with a healthcare-related degree? We offer several graduate degrees that will prepare you to improve the lives of others through clinical care.

Graduate Programs in Healthcare

Master of Science in Nursing

Our flexible, two-year Master of Science in Nursing program at Mount Saint Mary's University is committed to academic rigor and nursing excellence. We help prepare registered nurses in advanced nursing theory, leadership and modern-day specializations, while fostering a spirit to serve others. Our program provides nurses with the skills and knowledge they need to address issues of health equity and social justice.

Our graduate nursing classes combine face-to-face meetings with online learning. In-person class sessions meet only six Saturdays each semester at our beautiful and historic Doheny Campus in Los Angeles. Students have the opportunity to join our Master of Science in Nursing program in the fall, spring or summer semesters.

The MSN program at Mount Saint Mary’s provides excellent clinical practicums and academic/professional support to its students. Faculty also inspire and encourage students to go beyond their expectations and seek opportunities that they may have not thought possible.

Susan Polka, Unit Director, Float/Resource Team, Ronald Reagan Hospital, UCLA Health

Discover everything you need to know about the Master of Science in Nursing program at MSMU.


Develop the skills to provide the highest level of care; start your online application today.


Master of Science in Counseling Psychology

Mount Saint Mary’s University’s Master of Science in Counseling Psychology is a collaborative and culturally-focused program. The Mount’s affordable and flexible classes consistently produce successful graduates that are recognized and well-respected in the community; the program is ideal for working professionals and motivated students that want to make an impact working with individuals, families, schools and community agencies. 

As a candidate for a Mount Saint Mary's University MSCP degree, you can choose from three program completion options.

MS in Counseling Psychology (No Licensure Preparation):
The two-year, 36-unit General Counseling Psychology specialization at Mount Saint Mary's University allows students to develop core counseling skills that apply across a range of non-profit and educational settings. In addition, these students develop skills to act as change agents who will advocate for diverse and underserved populations.

MS in Counseling Psychology and Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT Licensure Preparation):
The 60-unit Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) specialization at Mount Saint Mary's University prepares students to become licensed therapists in California. Whether the student selects licensure as a Marriage and Family Therapist or Professional Clinical Counselor, graduates of the Mount's MFT specialization will be prepared to treat individuals, couples and families from many different backgrounds. 

MS in Counseling Psychology and Marriage and Family Therapy with ¡Enlaces! Certificate (MFT Licensure Preparation):
¡Enlaces! is a certificate program that is embedded into the Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) specialization. Interested applicants should be conversationally proficient in Spanish and be able to take courses taught bilingually to be eligible to enroll. Courses designated as ¡Enlaces! are an opportunity for students to apply and practice professional psychological terminology and learn about specific cultural factors involved in counseling Spanish-speaking clients. 

I was drawn to Mount Saint Mary’s University’s commitment to social justice, and I liked the program’s emphasis on critical theory. The Mount’s program has provided me with both the necessary theoretical foundation and the clinical training necessary to reach my career goals.

Malkie Hematillake, MS in Counseling Psychology

Discover everything you need to know about the M.S. in Counseling Psychology.


Gain access to our resource — A Field Guide to Careers with a Psychology Degree.


Make an impact in the lives of others; start your online application today.


Doctor of Physical Therapy

In our Doctor of Physical Therapy program, we are committed to facilitating life-long learning in the faculty, alumni and the professional community.

Mount Saint Mary's University provides doctoral education to a diverse student body culminating in physical therapists with sound clinical reasoning in a variety of settings who are committed to professional and personal development, social citizenship and ethical, compassionate care.

The DPT program at Mount Saint Mary’s University has dedicated itself to providing small class sizes in order to maximize student learning. The program also assembles teams of clinical experts in specialty areas, such as neurology, women’s health, and geriatrics, to produce some of the most well-rounded clinicians in the field.

Christopher Poquiz, DPT

Discover everything you need to know about the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at MSMU.


Develop the skills to provide phenomenal patient care; start your online application.


Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology

Mount Saint Mary’s University’s Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) in Clinical Psychology trains future practitioner-scholars who reflect the diverse populations of Los Angeles, the nation and globe. In addition, the program is closely aligned with the mission of our University serving the needs of traditionally underserved and marginalized populations.

Our practitioner-scholar doctoral program strives to successfully train and empower the next generation of psychologists to prepare them to become leaders and agents of social change in Health Service Psychology and the larger world.

Discover everything you need to know about the PsyD program. 


Gain access to our resource — A Field Guide to Careers with a Psychology Degree.


Become a leader in clinical practice; start your online application today.



Grad Certificate


Graduate Certificate Programs

Certificate Programs

Are you seeking an accelerated way to enhance your career? Consider one of our graduate certificate programs.

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Creative Writing

The Creative Writing program offers three certificate programs designed for students seeking to broaden their knowledge in the following areas: Latin American and Latinx Creative Studies or Writing for Media.

These certificate programs require 15-units of coursework for completion and can be pursued in-person or online.

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The Film, Television and Photography program offers six certificate programs for students who are seeking in-depth analysis in the following areas: Photography, Documentary Storytelling, Producing, Post-Production, Music Production and Sound Design, or Acting

Students may apply up to six units of a certificate program towards the requirements of a BA, BS, BFA or MFA degrees.

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The Humanities graduate program offers four online certificate programs founded upon the four concentrations offered as part of the master’s in humanities — Cultural Studies, English, History or Creative Writing.

These certificate programs provide students with both an introduction to, and an in-depth analysis of, the respective subject matter pursued. Certificates are a great alternative for those who may not feel ready to enroll in our full master’s program or who simply wish to complement their existing education and expand their knowledge base in an abbreviated timeframe.

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Bioethics explores the ethical, social and legal issues related to healthcare, including those emerging from advances in medicine and technology. Whether you work in healthcare, administration, public policy, teaching and research or other related fields, a Bioethics certificate can help take your career (and your thinking) to new heights!

This fully online graduate certificate program is both professionally and personally rewarding — and is accomplished in just 14 credits of coursework. The range of courses and electives allows for your individual interests so the structure works for you. In turn, a certificate in Bioethics enhances employment opportunities and strengthens your ability — and confidence — to put your knowledge to work.


When you're ready to apply to graduate school, our dedicated team of graduate admission counselors are here to support you. Though many of our programs have different requirements, all applications are reviewed in a holistic manner. 

In addition to your previous academic record, our faculty reviewers consider your professional experience and overall preparation.


Our team of graduate admission counselors is here to work with you

To apply, follow these four steps

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Step 1
Review your program’s admission requirements.

Get in touch with us for the most up-to-date information.

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Step 2
Visit MSMU's application website.
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Step 3
Submit your application to the Mount.
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Step 4
Keep in touch. Follow up by email.

Find your place at the Mount — apply today:

A Look at MSMU Scholarships and Financial Assistance

In addition to federal and state grants you may qualify for when you submit the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), MSMU offers institutional scholarships and discounts to help make your graduate education more affordable.

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Below are scholarships and discount programs available to all graduate students, regardless of the  program you decide to pursue. For additional program-specific scholarship opportunities, we encourage you to explore each program's webpage below the general awards. 

Merit Scholarships by Grad Program

Based on the graduate program you're pursuing, there may be additional merit scholarships.

At MSMU, we also offer a variety of tuition discount agreements and partnership agreements that are eligible to qualified students. You can learn more here.


At Mount Saint Mary’s University, you will be impacted in ways that cannot be defined. Our respected graduate program fosters a culture of collaboration, inclusivity, diversity and social justice that will inspire you to reach your full potential as a professional and leader. 

If you are ready to transform your professional career, then we encourage you to connect with us today. We cannot wait to help you find your place at the Mount.