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Humanities degrees cover topics from a variety of fields. The close attention paid to practical application enables students to become competent in many different industries. At MSMU, we specialize in English, History and Cultural Studies for our humanities students. For students looking to integrate different subjects into their studies and careers after college, a humanities graduate degree is crucial. Due to the overlap of disciplines and focuses, the humanities properly equip you to participate in myriad industries, preparing you to transfer your skills to any market you want.

Reasons to Choose a Degree in Humanities
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Shape Your Education

At MSMU, we’re all about empowering our students to shape their education according to their individual passions and goals. Whether you’re interested in literature, history, philosophy or the arts, our program provides a fertile ground for exploration and intellectual growth. We understand that every student’s journey in the humanities is unique. That’s why flexibility and customization are at the heart of our programs. You can choose from a diverse range of courses and concentrations, creating a program tailor-made for you and your career goals.

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Connect on Campus

Our humanities students don’t just study in isolation; they thrive in the vibrant and collaborative environment at the core of MSMU. Our campus encourages and invites interdisciplinary engagement. As a humanities student, you’ll have the opportunity to interact and collaborate with scholars from various disciplines across campus, contributing to our rich history of exchanging ideas and perspectives. You’ll explore the interconnectedness of knowledge both in and out of the classroom and engage with the broader community to celebrate the diversity of the humanities.

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Take Charge in Your Career

Your humanities education goes beyond what you’ll study in a classroom. Through our program, you’ll participate in experiential and immersive learning. You’ll have hands-on opportunities to apply your knowledge and make a real impact. Through these experiences, you’ll sharpen your critical thinking skills, cultivate empathy and compassion and hone the other soft skills that a humanities degree provides. In short, you’ll be equipped with everything you need to work in today’s diverse and rapidly evolving world.

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What Can You Do With a Humanities Degree?

With a humanities degree, there is no limit to where you can work and what positions you can hold. Here are just a few of the dynamic careers you can pursue with a Master of Arts in Humanities:


Archivists help to preserve history and, in turn, educate future generations. Their work helps to open up the past to present scholars and future generations. They work with paper documents, maps, computer records, photographs and more to help people access original information. They can work in colleges, museums, governments and in other roles. Archivists keep history alive and educate others on the importance of priceless perspectives. 


Much like archivists, historians work to preserve history and help future generations engage with it. Their work of analysis helps the public make sense of countless facts and accounts. Historians must love research and be willing to approach their studies with an open mind, ready to be surprised by first-hand accounts and facts. From specializing in niche events within humanity to understanding the overarching narrative of anthropology, historians engage with where society has been to help it understand where it could go next. 

Writer or Journalist

Communication is a cornerstone of every society. Through thoughtful wordsmithing and creative copy, writers and journalists communicate their emotions and opinions, as well as informative reports. Their work helps to inform society and assist people in making informed decisions. Writers can work for marketing agencies, educational institutions, and other organizations. Journalists can report on general news both in their town and abroad, and they can also pursue specialized reporting industries. 

Public Service Worker

Working in public service requires putting the needs of others before your own. The work of a public servant looks to improve communities and help people live peaceful and safe lives. Their work can impact more than just their own neighborhood, as some public service positions affect the whole nation. With positions like firefighter, urban planner, police officer, policy analyst and more, the field of public service is diverse and has a far-reaching impact. 

  • Salaries range in these positions, and there is a career for every interest in helping communities thrive. 


Passionate about discovery, innovation and contributing to society’s knowledge base? Research might be the right path for you. Research for humanities scholars can occur in surveys and in journals, with writers and professors sharing new insights on ancient texts and new information. Or it can happen in libraries, with academics discovering connections between ideas. Whatever the setting, researchers contribute to a more-informed future, all while pursuing interests that inspire them. 


Through their dedication to education and mentorship, professors help students in higher education settings reach their full potential as academics and professionals. Their insight and professional connections help students thrive in their studies and in their careers after college. Another highly customizable job, professors work to engage students and challenge them to see the world through a new lens, honing their skills in specific fields along the way. 

Graphic Designer

Graphic designers can work in artistic fields and in business capacities. Wherever there is a need for aesthetic vision, designers can work their magic. Pursuing creative ways to bring ideas to life, graphic designers fill the world around them with beauty and expression, uniting people through their art. 


Yes, of course, a master’s degree in humanities can prepare you to teach, both at the high school level and in higher education settings. Leaders by nature, teachers help students see the best in themselves and learn all they can about the world. Teachers lead the next generation of innovators and explorers. They help to shape the future of individual communities and the country at large.  

If you want to learn more about the field of education and how to become an invaluable teacher, check out our guide to education programs and credentials

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7 Features of High-Quality Humanities Graduate Programs 

Choosing the right humanities program is vital. While the degree can help you secure almost any job, it’s important to choose a curriculum that aligns with your goals and interests. We’ve gathered some of the most important things to look for in a humanities program. 

1. Flexibility

Knowing how and when you can complete your degree is important. As a busy professional, it’s crucial to choose a program with flexible scheduling so that you can complete your coursework on a timeline that works for you. Flexibility should also come through how you decide to complete your degree, whether that’s online, in person or a mix of the two. Knowing how long it usually takes to complete a degree is also a factor, and it’s helpful to find a program with accelerated options if you want to work towards your degree quickly.

2. Personalization

With a degree as unique as humanities, you want to ensure that your program embraces every opportunity to personalize your studies. You’re intentionally choosing a degree where you can study the topics that interest you and serve your career goals, so ensuring the institution you study at is committed to helping you build a degree path that interests you is essential. 

3. Alumni Success

Graduate school is an investment. While it pays dividends to hold a graduate degree, taking the time to make sure the program you choose is high-quality will help you use your degree to its fullest. A good way to check the quality of your graduate program is by researching where alumni of the program work. Seeing if the caliber of their companies aligns with your career goals is a great way to ensure you’ll get value out of your degree. 

4. Opportunity

Ensuring that the program you choose will provide you with ample opportunities to engage in your field of choice and in your community is essential. These chances to enrich your education will also help to boost your resume and experience, contributing to the holistic nature of your education. You can check your institution’s website for how students get involved in their community and how they use their degrees after graduation. You can also research non-profits and charities related to your interests located around the university, so you can brainstorm your own ways to give back to the community. 

5. Integration of the Liberal Arts and Other Academic Fields

One of the hallmarks of a humanities degree is the interdisciplinary nature of the major. If a program does not integrate the liberal arts and other academic disciplines, it misses the point of offering a degree steeped in various fields. By studying multiple disciplines within one degree, you’re making the most of the money you invest in your graduate education through learning as much as you can about other fields. You’ll also be gaining practical experience in approaching the world through an interdisciplinary lens, a skill you can take into your career and interactions with different perspectives for the rest of your life. 

6. Travel

Your education doesn’t have to be limited to your immediate community. A quality humanities program provides opportunities for travel, both domestically and internationally. Through these travels, students learn how to engage with cultures and contexts different from their own, and they begin to understand a broader scope of how they can apply what they’re learning in their courses. 

7. Transferable Soft Skills

A major value point of humanities degrees is the soft skills that they provide. From people and interview skills to learning to work in different fields, the soft skills that a humanities degree supplies you with are worth it. You’ll graduate equipped to work in whatever field you choose, confident in your ability to impact organizational change.